Sunday, 15 May 2011

Life is what you make it

This weekend has been jam packed with all sorts of activities! I have been a busy bee indeed :)

Saturday, me and a friend braved the ice and went Ice Skating in Altrincham...I've not been for years and spent the first 15 minutes too terrified to let go :s But we soon got the hang of it and not long after were whizzing around thinking we were pro's :)


Defiantly something I want to keep doing!

Saturday night was spent eating my sisters amazing cooking and watching Britain's Got Talent...feet up for a well earned rest!


Today we really wanted to go to Chester Zoo but as usual the weather was so crappy it put a stop to that :( So we ended up going on a random trip out to a Secret Nuclear Bunker (haha, so geeky I know!) and a little Pottery Barn place. I love anything crafty and was super excited to spend the afternoon making things. I've not played with clay since I was about 5 in Primary School but there seriously is nothing better than getting your hands dirty and actually making something yourself :) I felt like I was 5 again, haha.

I made an Elephant, aptly named 'Nelly'


Chris made a Dinosaur called 'Lady RaRa' (don't ask!)


They are to take pride of place on a windowsill in his house, we just have to wait a couple of days to dry before we can paint them. Tha'ts next weekend sorted ;)


Hope everyone had a lovely weekend :)


  1. I love ice skating :) Definitely keep it up!
    And that looks like such a fun day with your boy! <3

  2. I'm definitely going too, though I'm going to attempt Roller Blading this weekend, ha, am very excited :) x

  3. awww i love your wee clay animals, the elephant is soo cute!! xx
