I only own one Models Own Nail Varnish and I have to say I was never massively impressed by it! I just found it too runny and didn't like how it went on, so have always stuck to Barry M.
But whilst browsing Boots I noticed that Models Own had a 3 for 2 offer on and was instantly drawn in my the gorgeous colours they have! The fact that I also had a £15 gift voucher helped :)
(L-R Pearly Queen, Gold Rush, Champagne, In The Navy, Juicy Jules, Utopia)
The camera on my Iphone doesn't do them justice but the colours are just so lovely and shimmery. I have the say the Champagne is my favourite it's so dreamy and sparkly :)
I have to say I am now a Models Own convert they have some gorgeous colours!! I also treated myself to the legendary Wah Nail Art Pen...after reading about it on so many blogs :)