Friday, 26 August 2011

Art Attack

I have to admit I love anything nail art related, myself I am absolutely rubbish at it but love looking at what other people have done! I've also noticed a massive trend for nail foils. Up until now I've kinda avoided them as all the ones I've seen in the shops have been quite garish and not my style. Until I received these in this months Glossy Box.



Okay, so it's not the greatest design but I find it quite cute with the skills and flowers on them :)
I thought they would be super tricky to apply but actually they were surprisingly easy! I good tip I found on line was to heat them with a hair dryer before applying them. The heat makes them more flexible and they stick a lot better too.

I unfortunately have horribly shaped nails so it was hard to fit them perfectly but they do come with a range of sizes to fit most nails. Simply stick them on then cut them down to match the length of the nail :)

And ta da the end result....


(please ignore my awful piggy feet!!)

Thursday, 11 August 2011

I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes

I had to share my lovely new pair of shoes! Mother bear bought them for me as an early Birthday present (which is Sunday, if anyone was wondering *hinthint*).

They are super comfy, perfect for dancing the night away ;)



(do ignore my fat canckles!)


Monday, 8 August 2011

Mahoosive thank you kindly... Franki for mentioning me on her blog for the Liebster Blog award! It is very much appreciated :)

Basically it helps to get people's blogs noticed which is always a good thing in my book, especially with some of the amazing blogs that are out there! All you have to do is make sure you post about the award and link to the person who nominated you and then pick three blogs and let them know you nominated them...simples!

So congrats to my chosen three...the first one I defiantly encourage you to follow as she is a very good friend of mine!!

Frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark...

J'adore <3

I apologise massively for my complete lack of blogging these past few weeks but work has been super busy! I promise I will be much better in future :)