Sunday, 27 February 2011

Let them eat cake!

I've been in a baking mood today, so made a trip to the shop and stocked up on all things cake related :) The end result being these lovely cupcakes. They actually are really, really soft and yummy! A good effort by me :)





To make them I just mixed...
225g self raising flour
225g caster sugar
4 eggs
225g butter

Mix it all together and cook for 15-20 minutes on gas mark 4 :)

Monday, 21 February 2011

I keep trying to lose weight... but it keeps finding me

1) So the diet commences! 18 weeks till my summer holiday I am far from ready to don a bikini...I'd look like Shamu has invaded the beach if I wore one now. Not a good look. So healthy eating, exercise, exercise and more exercise. And unfortunately I shall be boring you lot with my progress :p

2) 2011 is looking to be a good year so far, Sex and the City spa night next month, holiday in June...hopefully a few weekend jaunts to Edinburgh and York. I am very much looking forward to what this year has to offer.


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Till I can make it my own

I'm living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart

1) I've come to the conclusion that I really NEED to be saving money, I spend faaar too much! If it's not jewellery then it's clothes or make up. So I'm going to be brave and cut back, resisting all the lovely things that Topshop, River Island and MAC have to offer :( Also this is a good excuse to crack on with making my own jewellery and also to use up the mountains of beauty products I have accumulated but never gotten around to using! Seriously I could stock up Boots I have that much ;o

If anybody has any good money saving tips then I would really like to hear them! :)

2) I've rediscovered my love for all things crafty. Now I like to think I am amazing at anything craft related, but in all honestly I'm pretty crap! So I'm making it my mission to become at least half decent at something. I'm going to teach myself how to knit, crotchet and cross stitch! Woo, go me! Ha, I think I may be turning into my nana, I'll be crocheting everyone granny squares and knitting bad jumpers! When pay day finally decides to show it's face (it feels like a LONG time since last pay day!) I'm going to make a trip to Hobbycraft and buy lot's of nice crafty things. I can't lie I have a love for Hobbycraft, it makes me feel all giddy and skippy as I wander around the isles looking at all the things I wish I could make!


I bought these the other day and got ever so excited about all the things I could start making, although I think I'm getting just a little ambitious at wanting to knit a jumper already :s

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Diamonds are a girl's best friend and a man's worst enemy

I'm really on a roll with this jewellery making, I am actually quite enjoying it. Although I really do have a lot of room for improvement...but like they say practice makes perfect :)

Here's a few other little things I've made...



Because nerds are indeed cool ;)